Editing and Actions

workflow actions
workflow actions

Once your publisher has reviewed your changes they may choose to make further edits to your page  and/or either approve, reject or return the workflow back to you for further changes.

Workflow Actions


You will receive an email from Cascade CMS notifying you that your workflow was approved and your changes have been published.


You will receive an email notifying you that attention is needed on a workflow.

  • Open your workflow and review the history to see the comments entered by your publisher.
  • Select the Edit from the Available Actions to edit the page and continue to make changes.
  • After additional changes have been made, you can send the workflow back to your publisher for approval by selecting Advance.
  • Enter comments.
  • Select the Advance workflow button send the workflow back to your publisher.


You will receive an email notifying you that attention is needed on a workflow.

  • Open your workflow and review the history to see that your changes were denied and the comments entered by your publisher.
  • Your changes will be removed for the page.


Send back to Publisher

  • Enter optional Workflow instructions/notes.
  • Select the Continue button send the workflow back to your publisher.