Feedable Content Row

The Feedable Content Row is the main way to display events, stories, and updates on a webpage.

Starting editing from a landing page edit screen and select Feedable Content Row under the Row Type menu. Next, select your theme, and then your Feed Type (Stories or Events). For Updates, select “Stories.” Under Header Content, you have the option to add text for a header, and then under Header Visual Style, you can select which header type you would like to use (typically H2 or H3).

Screenshot of stories in a Feedable Content Row
Screenshot of edit screen for stories in a Feedable Content Row
Screenshot of edit screen for stories in a Feedable Content Row

Stories and Updates

To edit Stories and Updates, navigate to the Story Feed menu that appears when you select "Stories" under Feed Type. For Stories, select Features under the Content Type list. For Updates, select Updates. (You can also select both Features and Updates if you would like to mix them together.) Under Tag/Domain Name, enter the Display Group you are using for your stories. To add multiple Display Groups, simply separate them using commas. Under Display Type, select Card or List view, or you may select their text-only options. Under Lead Story, choose yes or no to have the first story in the feed appear at full screen width above the other stories. Finally, under Load More Stories Options, you can choose Infinite Scroll, Load More, or None. Select Load More, if you have many stories in your feed you would like users to see. Otherwise, select None. Then, enter a number in the Number of Items field for how many stories or updates you would like displayed at a time.

Screenshot of events in a Feedable Content Row
Screenshot of Edit screen for events in a Feedable Content Row
Screenshot of Edit screen for events in a Feedable Content Row


For Events, navigate to the Calendar Feed menu that appears when you select "Events" under Feed Type. Under Tag/Domain Name, enter the Category you are using for your events. Then, under View More Events Options, you can select “View More” for users to be directed to a new webpage with all of your events in this category. Otherwise, select “None.” Then, enter a number in the Number of Items field for how many events you would like displayed at a time. 

If your events, stories, or updates are not appearing correctly, review our Custom Options for information about how to adjust the Feed Item Grid Sizes in this row.