
Relationships are created automatically when assets link to each other in their content but can also be manually created to establish relationships between assets that aren't directly linked.

Attaching an accordion, tab and/or a URPoster page to your secondary or landing page creates an automatic asset relationship.  Cascade CMS allows you a way to view and publish related content.

You can view an asset's relationships:

  1. Select your site.
  2. Navigate to the page you want to copy in the asset tree and Select the page.
  3. Select More from the the top right menu bar, then select the Relationships option or use the context menu and right-click on the page you want in the asset tree, select More then Relationships.

Creating publishing relationships

Publishable relationships are related assets that can be published: folders, pages, and files. From this menu you can select publishable assets from the list to publish or click Publish All to publish all publishable relationships.

If related content doesn't directly link to your asset, you can also manually associate folders, pages, or files with an asset.

To manually associate assets:

  1. Select your site.
  2. Navigate to the page in the asset tree and Select the page.
  3. Select More from the the top right menu bar, then select the Relationships option or use the context menu and right-click on the page you want in the asset tree, select More then Relationships.
  4. Under Create a manual relationship click Choose Publishable Site Content.
  5. Select a folder, page, or file asset and click Choose.
  6. Click Close when you've finished adding or removing relationships.