Spotlight Stories Row

The Spotlight Stories Row is an alternative way to display stories in a feed on your website. Instead of displaying images entirely with or without images, the Spotlight Stories row displays up to two stories with images, and then automatically pulls a feed of stories on the right with text-only. This row also does not display the dates of stories. This spotlight functionality ultimately allows you to feature a story without concern over how old it might be.

Screenshot of a Spotlight Stories Row
Screenshot of edit screen for stories in a Feedable Content Row
Screenshot of edit screen for stories in a Feedable Content Row

Creating and Editing

To create this row, go to your page’s edit screen, open a Row, and select Spotlight Stories Row under the Row Type menu. In the menu that appears, select your theme, and under Header Content, add text for a header. Then, under Header Visual Style, select which header type you would like to use (typically H2 or H3).

Under the Spotlight Story menu, create your first spotlight story by entering its Article ID. You then have the option to override its title, promo image, and preview text in the following fields. You can also link to an external website using the “External URL/Link” field. To add a second spotlight story, select the plus sign to the right of the Spotlight Story menu title. 

If nothing is entered in any of the Spotlight Story fields, the Spotlight Stories row will automatically display the first story from the feed you enter in the Story Feed menu below. This row is limited to only pulling one spotlight story automatically.

Under the Story Feed menu, select your Content Type from the checklist (in most cases, this is “Features.”) To program a set of stories, enter a list of article IDs in the Story ID field. Alternatively, if you would prefer to use a feed of stories here, under Tag/Domain Name, enter the Display Group you are using for your stories. To add multiple Display Groups, simply separate them using commas. To ensure that your spotlight stories do not appear in this feed, enter their article IDs in the Exclude Article ID field. Finally, you can link out to another webpage (typically a feature stories page) using a promo button by entering information in the Button Text and Button URL fields.