
Tabs work very similarly to Accordions, but displays multiple groups of content vertically and horizontally. This tool can be useful for content like calendars and schedules, where dates and times are the most useful way to sort content. In short, Accordion Content is better for depth and Tabs Content is better for breadth.

Like accordions, tabs are hidden content and will not appear in search engine results. Critical content for users should still live in the body text of a page.

Screenshot of horizontal Tabs Content
Horizontal Tabs Content
Screenshot of horizontal Tabs Content
Vertical Tabs Content




If you are creating new tabs from scratch, please first review our Accordions & Forms guidelines.

On the edit screen, you will see a series of menus, known as items. Each item represents a different tab.

The fields inside each item are as follows:

  • Text: This is where you will input the name of the item. This text is visible to users on the tab itself. (Example: “Sunday, May 7”)

  • Content: This is where you can input paragraph-long text that is relevant to the item. Rich text options are available in this editing field (such as bold and italics). (Example: “Baccalaureate, 10am, Cannon Memorial Chapel, etc.”)

  • PHP In Line: This is an optional field that can be ignored. 

Additional items can be added to the accordion by using the buttons in the upper right corner of each menu item. Using these buttons, you can drag menu items to reorder them, move them down one at a time, move an item to the bottom of the accordion, add an additional item, copy an item, or delete an item altogether.

Getting an Error Message?
To publish your changes, be sure to publish the page where these tabs have been attached. Learn more about Accordions & Forms and a common Publishing Error Message.