URPoster Form

URPoster Form is our in-house form creation system. It allows you to display a form natively on any page on your website. Although you can add as many questions as you like, they tend to work best for just a few questions, like in a contact or feedback form. You may want to consider the University's Additional Form Building Tools for other use cases. Or, if you're ready to use URPoster Form, learn more about editing below.

When using a URPoster Form, keep in mind that there is some limited functionality for users filling out your form. Users cannot upload images when filling out a form. Also, be aware that users cannot save progress and return to their form responses. Users also cannot e-sign using URPoster Form. These limitations can prove difficult for longer or more complex forms.

Also, be mindful of who you will designate as a Form Owner and who else you would like to receive form submission notifications. You will need the NetID for anyone receiving these notifications. Only Form Owners can access the complete table of responses. If a new Form Owner is designated, responses will appear in a new table that only they can see.

Need Help Creating a New Form?
To create a new URPoster Form, you can request assistance through SpiderTechNet.
Screenshot of metadata fields on the form edit screen
Screenshot of metadata fields on the form edit screen



Metadata is primarily used for setting up a form and designating its title and owners. While some forms may be ignored in this section, the following are important fields you will want to fill out:

  • URPoster Form ID/Name - This may only include alphanumeric characters, underscores, or spaces. The department name should be included, and the form name should be unique. Note: Forms with the same names will have their data combined in the database.

  • URPoster Form Owner NetID - Enter your NetID, or the NetID of whomever you would like to grant access to the full database of responses. There can only be one NetID entered in this field.

  • Do you want to be notified when this form is submitted? – Select Yes or No.

  • Submission – Selecting Data or Notice determines whether the full contents of a form response are emailed or simply a notification that the form was submitted.

  • Send Submit To – You may enter multiple NetIDs in this field, and each recipient will also receive emails when a form submission has been completed. Please separate each NetID by a comma and a space.

  • URL Success – This is an optional field for a Thank You page that appears after users submit a form. This page can be used on one or multiple forms for a thank you message, and must be published live for users to see it. The complete URL must be entered, beginning with https://

Screenshot of header fields on the form edit screen


Headers allow you to create separate sections of questions throughout your form. This can be helpful for providing specific instructions for a group of questions. If your form does not need a header, this section can be left blank. The header field options are as follows:

  • Header - Utilizes our Heading 3 style which has all capitalized letters in bold.

  • Sub Header - Styled in bold with upper and lower case letters.

  • Header Description - There is no styling for this field.

Screenshot of item fields on the form edit screen


Items are your form’s questions. As you select a Field Type, the fields below it will change. Field Types include:

  • Text - Allows for a short line of text to be entered

  • Textarea - Allows for a paragraph of text to be entered

  • Dropdown - Creates a menu of options, from which only one may be selected

  • Multi-select - Creates a menu of options, from which multiple items may be selected

  • Radio - Appears like a multiple choice question, where a button appears next to each item, and only one may be selected

  • Checkbox - Similar to Radio, but multiple items may be selected

Within each item, you may also want to complete the following fields:

  • Name – Enter the question you are asking

  • Name Description - Provide additional guidance to your question.

  • Default Value - For Dropdown and Multi-select, you can enter the value that you would like to appear first in the menu. This field can also provide help text such as (please select)

  • Value - Enter the list of values for Dropdown, Multi-select, Radio, or Checkbox field types. When entering, these function like other items in Cascade, where you can add, delete, and copy items, as well as reorder them.

  • Required Field - Check Yes if you would like this question to be required in order for the form to be submitted. Please note that this field is typically on by default and may need to be unchecked for some of your questions.

Each question or form item works like other items in Cascade. You can add/delete items, as well as copy and reorder them. Copying questions can be especially helpful in the event that multiple questions have the same values.

Submit Button

The submit button can be customized using the following fields:

  • Reset Form Button - By checking Yes, a "Reset” button will appear at the bottom of the form, which allows a user to clear out all of their form responses and start over.

  • Submit Button Text - You may enter text in this field to change the verbiage of the Submit button. For instance, instead of “Submit,” you may want the button to read, “Share My Feedback.”

Submit your form when you are done making edits.

Getting an Error Message?
To publish your changes, be sure to publish the page where this form has been attached. Learn more about Accordions & Forms and a common Publishing Error Message.

Additional Form Building Tools

In addition to URPoster Form, there are more form building tools managed by Institutional Effectiveness and UR Better. We invite you to consider these and can assist with linking their forms to your site. 


When creating a form for your site, you may want to consider using Qualtrics, which is available to all UR faculty, staff, and students. These forms allow for image uploads and more complex question types and response management. Qualtrics forms open in a new window and will not appear natively on a webpage.

Learn more about Qualtrics 

Dynamic Forms

For more secure content, you may wish to consider using Dynamic Forms. This is a cloud-based digital form creation tool that allows departments across campus to create electronic forms with electronic signatures and automated workflows. Dynamic Forms open in a new window and will not appear natively on a webpage.

Learn more about Dynamic Forms