Receiving Notifications

workflow widget on the dashboard
workflow within the my content widget

You can be notified of workflows waiting for you by email or in the My Workflows dashboard widget.

The My Workflows widget displays a list of workflows started by you and active workflows that are waiting for your action. Recently visited workflows will be displayed in the My Content widget under Recent. Workflows are automatically removed once they are advanced and/or reassigned.

When a workflow requires your attention, you will see the word "Waiting" beside the name in the My Workflows widget.

Selecting a workflow form the My Content or My Workflows dashboard widget will take you to the status screen. Here you can see the history of the workflow along with its Status, the Asset in the workflow, who Initiated it and the date and time the workflow was started.

Any available actions needed can be found within the History of the workflow under the Available Actions.

workflow available actions

Workflows are automatically removed from the My Content area or My Workflows dashboard once they are advanced to the publisher and/or completed.