
Video continues to grow and evolve as a way of sharing stories on the web. We offer options for displaying TikTok and YouTube videos on both Landing Pages and Secondary Pages. Before you get started, make sure you have the URL for your TikTok or YouTube video handy.

Using TikTok?

When adding a TikTok to a page, some additional settings help it appear properly across desktop, tablet, and mobile screen sizes. For each Content Region’s Grid Sizes menu, make the following selections:

  • TikTok: Select Shrink
  • Any other surrounding Content Regions: Select Auto

Connecting to a Landing Page

Videos are an available option for the Modular Content Row which can be used on both Landing Pages and Secondary Pages. Learn more about Modular Content Rows to get started.

Connecting to a Secondary Page

The simplest way to add a video to your page is by going to the Main Content region, and selecting Video under the Content Type dropdown menu. 

In the Video menu that appears, open the Video Type dropdown menu and select YouTube or TikTok. A box will appear for you to enter the video URL. For YouTube, you also have the option to add when you want the video to start and stop.

Once your video’s information has been added, you may want to adjust the Content Region Grid Sizes to determine how much space the video takes up on your page. For guidance on grid sizes, learn more about Custom Options for your page.

If you would prefer for the text on your page to wrap around your video, you can also use Floated Content to display a video within a Text Region. Simply select Video from the Content Type dropdown menu. Learn more about Floated Content.