Create a Folder

Screenshot of editing a folder's metadata
Screenshot of editing a folder's metadata

Editing Metadata

  1. Click Add Content and select the folder option.  If you do not have the folder option, you don't have the system permission to create a folder.
  2. In the Folder Name field, enter a name for your folder.
  3. In the Placement Folder field, choose the folder where the folder should be created.
  4. Display Name If you wish to have your folder displayed within your website's navigation, enter the navigation label here.
  5. Enter any necessary metadata for your folder (Summary, Teaser, keywords, Description, etc.).
Screenshot of editing a folder's properties
Screenshot of editing a folder's properties

Editing Properties

  1. Configure the following fields:
    1. Include when indexing - Enable this if your folder and its contents should be included in your sites navigation.
    2. Include when publishing - Enables this if you want this folder and its contents to be publishable. A folder containing image assets, for example, might be enabled for publishing but not indexing.
    3. Include in Stale Content report - Enable this if your folder's content should be included in the Stale Content report.
  2. Click Submit.