
If you want to temporarily pull your content off your live or QA website with the possibility of adding it back later (time-sensitive content), you'll want to unpublish your content.

It is best to use the delete function when you may want to remove content from Cascade CMS altogether. Deleting content will unpublish it (with the exception of feedable content) and move it to the Trash Bin, where it will remain for approximately 90 days before being purged from the CMS.

Deleted content can be restored from the Trash as long as the user has access to see it and as long as it has not been purged.

Unpublishing an Asset

  1. Navigate to the page or file you want to unpublish in the asset tree and select it.
  2. Select More from the the top menu bar, then select the Unpublish option, or use the context menu and right-click on the page you want to unpublish in the asset tree, select More, then select Unpublish.
  3. From this menu, you can either click Unpublish to unpublish the asset now with the default settings. 

Unpublishing Options 

  • Optionally Unpublish Later - Schedule the asset to unpublish at a future date and time.
    • Before this date, the asset can be indexed and included in other unpublish jobs such as folder or site unpublishes.
    • You can cancel a future scheduled unpublish with the Unschedule link when previewing the asset.
  • Generate a publish report - Send a summary of the items unpublished (including any errors) to your Notifications.
  • Destinations - Select the Outputs that you'd like to unpublish.
    • Select one or more Destinations to unpublish from.
    • All our sites have three Destinations: two for the production web servers (CMSWEB1 and CMSWEB2) and one for the QA web server (VMCMSWEB1). By default, all destinations are selected.